持续喷涂隧道灭菌器 – 上海南承机械有限公司


连续喷雾隧道灭菌器是在吸收消化国外机器的基础上设计制造的。 采用温水预热,循环热水杀菌,循环热水预冷,冷却水冷却; 具有杀菌温度自动控制、杀菌时间可调等优点,可广泛用于各种瓶罐装果汁饮料、电解质饮料、酒类、调味品等的杀菌、冷却。 可根据客户提供的灭菌条件和生产进行设计制造。


Suitable range Various cans, PET bottles, glass bottles and other bottled beverages pasteurization
Production capacity Design according to filling machine production capacity matching set
 Sterilization Section 3-5 sections
Sterilization temperature and time optional Sterilization temperature and time adjustable, bactericidal performance and stability
Steam Pressure 0.4Mpa
The main components Spray nozzle system, mesh conveyor belt, variable speed motor
Dimension According to the size of the production size